Lichess Tournament Standings Downloader


Edit (20/03/2021): The Downloader is revamped and works for Swiss as well as Arena type of Tournaments !!! Link to Downloader

A few months back, I was part of the team that organized the 1st ever Rotary Pan India Online Chess Blitz Tournament. It was an action-packed month for me. I was tasked with all the technical stuff (Being the IT Guy ).

Pre-Tournament Phase

During the Pre-Tournament Phase when we were still getting entries, I created a dashboard in Google Data Studio for the Rotary Leadership team to easily track our progress in real-time. I had also posted about it on LinkedIn. A quick image of that dashboard.

Post-Tournament Phase

During the Post-Tournament Phase, I was tasked with the reconciliation of results. That’s when it dawned on me that Lichess does not let us download the tournament standing table. When I talked to people in the Chess community, they told me that they simply copy-paste each page of the standings manually. I was like … WT***

I started searching and found out that Lichess has APIs that can help solve this issue. So along with my fellow Techie Vishal Raykar, we did some coding and downloaded it for ourselves. But soon enough we got requests from others to create something of a permanent solution. In just a few weeks, we finally got some time and put it online for everyone.

Check out our very own Lichess Tournament Standings Downloader. All you have to do is enter the URL of your Lichess Swiss/Arena Tournament in the text-box provided and Click on the Download Button to get your entire Standings tables as a downloadable CSV file in a matter of seconds.

(Screenshot of the Downloader)




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